If your child has Autism you know the difficulties that come with it. The constant staring at the grocery store, the mall, wherever you go. People stare and wonder why you don’t discipline your child. Little do they know how difficult it is for your child to even be in a public place with all the noises, yelling, and overstimulation. You know that one of the biggest factors for your child who has autism is communication. At a young age your child probably had trouble with speech or maybe never even said any words at all. This is quite common in children who have Autism and is one of the hardest challenges to overcome. Not being able to communicate with others makes it so your child can’t relate to others. They don’t know that laughing at someone else when they are in pain isn’t actually funny. They have trouble with being able to identify with certain emotions.
Some researchers have found the upper neck of children with autism has a spine problem (Jennings, 2006). This means only one side of the brain is controlling certain functions and activities. For example, one side of the brain could be controlling communication meaning your child is not at full ability. This could be caused by upper neck problems in the spine which further affects autism symptoms. Around 80% of all sensory input comes from spine movement. What happens if your child’s spine isn’t moving correctly? Overall, autism affects your child’s nervous system which has much to do with the spine. Taking your child who presents difficulty communicating to Radiant Life can allow the correction of these spine problems. This in turn gives your child the fighting chance to get that other side of the brain working. Your child’s body can heal and regulate itself. We just have to provide your child with the proper care and opportunity. At Radiant Life you can find advice, helpful tools, and most importantly adjustments for your child.
Jennings, J., & Barker, M. (2006). Autism: A chiropractic perspective. Clinical Chiropractic, 9(1), 6-10. doi:10.1016/j.clch.2005.08.001