Every child is doing it!
It’s so common! Your child screams uncontrollably and cannot sleep. The pediatrician recommended to watch and wait before giving antibiotics (which is the recommended approach according to current research). Maybe this is your second, third, fourth or more ear infection and you are just frustrated. Next step is tube surgery.
What if you had options besides medications and surgeries?
By this point you have probably heard someone you know talk about their kids and chiropractic, but what is the big deal? How can chiropractic cure so many problems that kids have? The truth is, chiropractic does NOT cure anything. It’s all about understanding why your child is getting ear and sinus infections in the first place. If you’ve read this far I know that you are looking for understanding so keep going and we’ll give you some answers.
Major problems commonly causing your child’s ear infections:
● the ear tube is constricted causing fluid to drain poorly or not at all
● the muscles of the neck are too tight damming the fluid from draining from the ear, nose, throat system (ears, tonsils, adenoids, sinuses, etc)
● Run down and overwhelmed immune system