Top 3 reasons a child loses self worth (all correctable by the way)!

This is for moms who are doing everything they know how to do, yet still feel hopeless.

Does your child ever speak worthlessness over themselves?

Have you ever heard your kid say something like “I’m bad” or “Nobody cares” or possibly the worst one “You don’t love me!”?

When they’re speaking these things, we know it’s out of frustration. We know these things aren’t true, but as a parent it’s so hard to hear that being said.

We have something for you at our office. We hear you. We’re here for you. We see this all the time.

Recently we had a mom come in explaining that she saw the switch from a happy kid, to frustrated, sad, just overall an emotional wreck.

Mom explained she felt hopeless. Dad explained that even with clear discipline, their kiddo just said how bad he is. He couldn’t separate his actions from his self worth.

These are the stories we’re excited to hear, only because we know we can help. We know we have something to offer these families. We have something invaluable for families.

We can offer HOPE.

Our very own Dr. Andy grew up with these similar kind of struggles. He watched his parents struggle with seeing him like this.

He didn’t get help until much later in life, but this is why it weighs so heavy on our team’s hearts to help out families like this.

We’ve been there. We’ve seen it.

We’ve walked through kid after kid, family after family, and seen the changes happen! We’ve seen the JOY come back to families.

We’ve figured out that the majority of these cases are correctable!

Usually they have at least one of these three things going on:

  1. Stuck in Stress Mode (fight or flight neurology)
  2. Environmental Stress (lifestyle stressors that are out of control)
  3. Coping Skills (maybe your kiddo doesn’t know how to handle stress! We can point you to the right kind of therapy to help your kid learn how to handle stress that life throws at them)

Our heart is to be a light for families out there.

Kids don’t want to feel sad. They don’t want to feel angry.

Let’s change the perception. Kid’s aren’t bad. They might be acting bad, but they aren’t bad.

This is for dads, moms, and families out there. We’re here for you and can’t wait to see how we can help!


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