We humans are filled with feelings. No matter what size we are.

feelings no matter our size

We humans are filled with feelings. These human feelings are inside our kids as well.

Feelings like…

Happiness. Sadness. Untamed. Timid. Angry. Not done grieving yet. Lonely. Lost. Brilliant. Wise. Intuitive. Confused. Rejected. Stoic. Inner rebellion. Scared. Egoic. Proud. Soft. Shy. Creative. Ambitious. Loving. Passionate. Broken. Healing. 

It’s all there. No matter the size of the human. 

As the brain is able to get and give free-flowing information to and from the body, all these emotional parts are better able to fully develop and be communicated (and regulated) in a healthy way.

Feeling gratitude is an integral part of our being able to find and feel joy.

So, here are some of our feelings of gratitude toward you and working here in Radiant Life with your kiddos:

Dr Eric said: 

  • I’m thankful for the opportunity to help kids express their true selves. 
  • I am thankful to be in an office where the staff truly loves each other and challenge each other to grow. 
  • I’m thankful for my family raising me in a Christian home, based on God’s unconditional love for us!

Ms Lisa said: 

  • I’m thankful for the community I’ve found in this office.  Being with like-minded people is priceless.
  • I’m thankful to be in an office where I’m trusted and loved for being me and nothing else.
  • I’m thankful that my family naturally gets together and that we talk on a daily basis. Extended family included!

Ms Heather said:

  • I’m thankful that I get to meet so many different and cool people in our patients.
  • I am thankful for a job that I love, where I get to learn so many things, with coworkers that are truly supportive and fantastic!
  • I’m thankful for a family that loves me so much and that is so cool and interesting that they are my best friends.

Dr Andy said:

  • Growing friendships while pursuing a better future for kids with our Radiant Life Family.
  • Watching kids overcome limitations of their label every day.
  • My parents and family who always spoke life into me especially when I felt worthless as I grew up.

Life is a beautiful thing.

You may notice, as your child gets more and more chiropractic adjustments, they seem to magically be able to handle transitions better. And better able to regulate their emotions better. That’s real and a beautiful thing to witness.

Click here and tell us what’s going on.  Helping kids like yours is exactly what we do best.  And you’ll find, it helps not only your child but your whole family.

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